Gastric Sleeve Surgery (VSG) Testimonial

Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy performed by Dr. Lopez Corvala

Cassie Walling had been researching since April 2017 for bariatric surgeries, when a close friend recommended to look for international opportunities, that is when she found Dr. Corvala and the amazing reviews his former patients have given him. Cassie came to AngelesHealth on February 2018 for her Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy.  Cassie shares:

My experience at AngelesHealth has set a high standard for all medical experiences since. Time and time again, I find myself saying, “That was okay, but in Mexico…” My experience with Dr. Corvala and his team as well as the staff at AngelesHealth was the gold standard in quality and care. I have never had such a positive medical experience. I felt like I was surrounded by extremely competent and caring medical professionals. The staff at every level was happy and seemed genuinely interested in my care and well-being. They were attentive, positive, they never made me feel like they were too busy to answer my questions or just to spend time with me. At times I felt like I must have been their only patient and the most important person there. The hospital itself was unbelievably clean!

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Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery Testimonial – Miles

Miles came to AngelesHealth with extreme pain but after his spinal surgery with Dr. Fernando Izquierdo he left our hospital PAIN FREE. He shares the staff was beautiful, the care and doctors were excellent, and he will recommend the hospital to anybody in the world.

Stage 4 Cervical and Lung Cancer Patient Testimonial – Margaret Cassling

Margaret Cassling is a former patient, who was diagnosed with cervical cancer and treated with conventional procedures such as: chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. After years in remission, the cancer came back and spread to her lungs. After researching alternative treatments she found our clinic and decided to come to Tijuana. 

She self-produced her testimonial with help from her husband. They share their medical experience as amazing, the medical facilities were modern and clean. Our doctors and nurses were kind and present all the time, ready to answer their questions and explain every procedure performed on Margaret. After her treatment plan, her husband shares she is happy and well back at home, following her diet and walking every day with her husband. 

CCSVI Patient Testimonial

Our patient from Ontario, Canada and his wife made the decision to come to Tijuana for MS Treatment even when friends told them: “they were crazy”. His wife emotionally shared with us, when he started to get dizzy, he couldn’t stand from the couch and walk, he couldn’t speak and she just saw how rapid the progression was.

Amazingly, one day after his treatment, our patients told us himself he didn’t feel his neck pain anymore, he can walk and talk. He said he felt better right after the treatment ended. He and his wife were extremely happy with the medical attention and share the medical team and staff are very professional.

LAP BAND testimonial from a US Doctor

From Denver, Colorado this US doctor chose our hospital because of the most professional medical team and state of the art facilities. He highly recommends the hospital and Dr. Corvala, thanks to the superior medical attention and the service from the moment he arrived at the hospital from the moment his treatment and visit was over.

Best Hospital Facilities in Tijuana, Mexico

Most Trusted and Recognized hospital for +10 years

  • Personalized attention with US based case manager
  • Peace of mind of knowing you are getting treated by the highest quality and most prestigious hospital in Mexico. Everyone knows Angeles is quality.
  • Most recognized and trusted private medical institution in Mexico with over 10 years
  • Fully equipped hospital with emergency rooms and 24hr. nurses for any type of unexpected situation (Not a Clinic like most)
  • Best medical facilities in Tijuana
  • Shuttle Service
  • Many amenities
  • Comfortable rooms with companion accommodations
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medical tourism mexico

MS Testimonial from a Canadian Patient treated in Mexico

At Canada, the CCSVI Treatment is not allowed, making our patient desperate for an answer because she didn’t want to wait 5 to 10 years for a cure. She did her research and found our hospital in Tijuana, her treatment was only an hour long and the professional medical staff explained everything, step by step.

She was very pleased with medical attention and highly recommends her doctors and our MS treatment, she immediately felt the changes. Her feet felt warm again, she could raise her arms and its excited she can finally style her hair again.

LAP BAND Testimonial of Angeles Hospital from a US patient

Our patient is a nurse in the United States and she decided to have her LAP Band procedure with Dr. Corvala. She shares the experience was great, Dr. Corvala is an excellent surgeon and everybody in the medical staff was very nice.

She was very pleased with the service, the transportation, the beautiful facilities and she is thankful and appreciates the help given to start her new life.

CCSVI Testimonial from a Canadian Patient at Angeles Tijuana

Rod is a Canadian patient diagnosed with MS in 1982, the progression on the disease was very fast. He couldn’t walk or talk, he had no strength in his body and started to lose his sight. After he decided to have our CCSVI treatment, on the same day as the procedure, he could talk and had a strong voice, he had a better sight, no swelling in his feet and had better movement.

Rod and his family, are very thankful with the medical staff, their attention and professionalism.

LAP BAND Patient praises Dr Lopez Corvala and Angeles Hospital

Our LAP Band patient was nervous to come for treatment to Mexico, his family and friends were telling him he was crazy. But he is happy and satisfied with his decision and highly recommends for patients to come to Tijuana for treatment. For him in addition, was very cost beneficial.

CCSVI treatment testimonial for MS patients at Angeles Hospital

Paul Weichel is 53 years old and his MS symptoms started at 18. His legs started to malfunction and the tripped a lot. At his 40 his hands started to go numb and he decided to research for treatment. He heard a friend of his brother, had the CCSVI treatment and recommended it 100%.

During his investigation he found us in Tijuana, Mexico and is really satisfied with his choice. After his treatment he has sensation in his hands, he can walk better and doesn’t get tired. He thinks the medical staff is professional and his experience was fantastic because the doctors and nurse really want the best for their patients and explained everything to him and his wife, so they could understand step by step the procedure.

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