Insulin Potentiation Therapy – What Is It ?
Insulin Potentiation Therapy, also known as IPT or Insulin Potentiation Targeted Low Dose (IPTLD), is a type of cancer treatment designed to make use of insulin alongside low dose chemotherapy treatments. Proponents of the treatment claim that using insulin to lower blood sugar levels results in an increase in the effectiveness of chemotherapy.
As a result, you can use lower doses of chemotherapy – in the range of 75 to 90 percent lower than average – and still receive effective treatment. This allows you to avoid more serious chemotherapy side effects such as loss of hair, decrease in appetite, and an overall decrease in energy levels. The claim of effective response of cancer cells when exposed to insulin is based on the fact that cancer cells have far more insulin receptors than healthy ones.
The History Of Insulin Potentiation Therapy
Insulin Potentiation Therapy was developed in 1932 by Dr. Donato Perez Garcia, a native of Mexico City, Mexico. Insulin Potentiation Therapy has continued to be developed and used by his son Dr. Donato Perez Garcia Bellon and also his grandson Dr. Donato Perez Garcia, Jr.
When Dr. Garcia first developed Insulin Potentiation Therapy in the 1930s, it was a period of other experimental treatments using insulin. Insulin itself was only developed in the 1920s as a diabetic treatment.
One of these treatments was an experimental treatment for scztophena which fell out of use in the 1950s due to health concerns. Much like this treatment, early versions of Insulin Potentiation Therapy made use of insulin induced comas. This was later abandoned relatively early in the treatment’s development.
Aside from the Garcia family, Dr. Steven G. Ayre, American medical doctor, is a proponent of the treatments. Several books have also been written on the treatment, its methods, and its overall effectiveness. The claims of Insulin Potentiation Therapy proponents are rather grandiose suggesting it can cure cancer. Many medical clinics who favor alternative methodology have been recommending it as an effective cancer treatment. Before coming to any conclusions, it’s important to look at the historical and current case studies of the treatment itself.
Case Studies
Historical documented case studies of Insulin Potentiation Therapy are sadly lacking despite it having been in use for over 80 years. However, there is one documented case study from the South American country of Uruguay. The study participants were 30 women all suffering from breast cancer that had proven resistant to traditional treatment methods. Of these 30 women, 10 made use of Insulin Potentiation Therapy, 10 took methotrexate a chemotherapy drug, and 10 were a control taking only insulin.
After a study period of roughly two months the following results were observed: the 10 women using Insulin Potentiation Therapy were shown to have less tumor growth than the other two groups. However, despite this positive result, there were key areas that were not studied such as long term side effects and overall effectiveness over a long treatment cycle.
Other case studies are mainly individuals reporting of their experience with the treatment which sadly lacks in scientific rigor or review. The American Cancer Society has also noted the lack of peer-reviewed materials. In summary, there are no in-depth reports from respected peer-reviewed publications to verify the effectiveness of Insulin Potentiation Therapy or its long term effects.
Current Developments
Currently, the FDA has yet to approve IPTLD treatment. The treatment itself may prove dangerous if the patient suffers from any type of insulin allergy. Also due it its nature as an alternative medical treatment, many Insulin Potentiation Therapy clinics and providers in the United States have run into legal issues in administering the treatment. It is however
In summary, Insulin Potentiation Therapy is an alternative cancer treatment that has shown some signs of success. Although there is a lack of documented studies, many consider IPTLD treatment to be a part of a comprehensive cancer treatment program. Before starting any cancer treatment program, talk to your doctor, research your options, or contact Angeles Health today for a consultation.