This article continues on from Did Chemotherapy hinder Robin Gibb’s Cancer Recovery? Part 1.
Robin Gibb’s family is now planning a public memorial to be celebrated in service at St Paul’s Cathedral, London, in September. He will be buried at a private funeral in June.
“The end was peaceful and dignified,” said RJ. “It was only later that I cried and cried.” The 29-year-old said his father’s funeral service will feature music by the Bee Gees, Roy Orbison, and include Robin’s favourite hymns, Jerusalem and I Vow to Thee My Country.
Robin had found alternative cancer treatments such as nutritional support and detoxification to be very helpful and, as his son confirmed, he was clear of cancer when he died. This suggests that the toxic effects of seven rounds of chemotherapy had weakened his body drastically.
A cancer diagnosis often creates difficult decisions for patients. When chemotherapy is presented as a viable option it seems like choosing a more holistic approach would be difficult. But many have made this choice and not looked back. Our patient Sheryl Malin had seen enough relatives suffer through chemotherapy that choosing functional oncology at Angeles Health was an easy choice for her.
Have a look at our cancer survival rate infographic to see how functional medicine could offer you an increased chance of surviving cancer. Our functional oncologist Dr. Ariel Perez speaks to all patients directly about any potential treatment, so when you fill in the form on the right you will be able to discuss your condition with an expert in functional medicine and naturopathy on the phone!